Ms. Nancy Snedecor is originally from Texas but moved to Hawaii many years ago traveling throughout the islands while living aboard a sail boat. She has been with us at Hale Aloha for more than 25 years where she has taught Kindergarten for 18 of those. Since then she has been teaching our 4 year old class and now our Kindergarten Prep Class. She is a member of the Hilo Church of the Nazarene and serves on the church board as Chair of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries. She graduated from UH Hilo with a BA and a preschool teaching certificate. She has a love for teaching and preparing the children in her class for their elementary school education.
This class will be using ABEKA curriculum augmented and
Welcome to Ms. Snedecor's Kindergarten Prep Class

enhanced after the basics are mastered so that the children will excel in their Kindergarten classes. Be prepared for your children to work in this class and even to bring home age appropriate homework Monday through Thursday, except on their Birthday. (Ms. Snedecor does have a soft heart.) As parents you will receive communication with the teacher daily through homework folders, daily communication books, and even in person. When your child has graduated from this Kindergarten Prep class, you can be assured that they well be ready for whatever their elementary school has to offer them.